9th Raider Movie Trivia:

Space Blue
7 min readOct 9, 2022


Interesting facts about the first-ever movie to be sent to the lunar art museum “Lunaprise” launched on Space X in 2023.

About the cutting-edge project: It’s the year 2037 A.D.
Small tribes try to survive following a nuclear holocaust. A soulful warrior ( “Petro”) tries to avoid conflicts with a fascist gang led by a neo-Nazi ( “Razr”). The Hopi Indian Prophecies point to a crossroad where mankind can go extinct or evolve. The 9th Raider is coming and fate for survival depends on the resolution of the real-life “Cain and Abel” story of brotherhood battling out to survive.

The 9th Raider Movie Trivia

Why the masks on several characters?

The masks worn by some of the cast members actually were not just only added wardrobe elements but were often preferred by actors as the movie was filmed during the Covid-19 global pandemic in 2020–2021. This actually helped in casting too as the director cast 2 actors who were able to play 4 different roles since they wore masks covering their faces during the scenes. When creating the characters called “The Nuns With Guns” The director really pushed into the theme of innocent women who pray for people’s souls but due to the effects of nuclear war are forced to do so with gas masks on.

The Director’s Premonition of “Ark” technology used in the movie ended up in a mock-up poster 5 years before.

Ark Network is a real cryptocurrency protocol that helped boost the support for the film. The director had originally 5 years before filming, drawn up a poster with a reference to an “Ark” survival information network in the future published on the original poster. And then as if it was a “premonition” the actual real ARK network showed up and partnered up on the movie 5 years later.

The Director dropped in “ secret” audio files from a failed Russian space mission. The recording is of a female Cosmonaut that was supposedly lost in space and never returned to earth.

Or so the story goes. Some of the narration in the movie’s space scenes where a Russian female calls out for help are actually alleged recordings of a secret space mission Russia had where a female astronaut was lost in space forever. The director played these helpless pleas as calls from earth sent into the cosmos in the year 2037 A.D. as survivors in the movie are desperate for help. The story is here on Wikipedia

The Director's Father’s WW2 historic combat imagery was included in the film.

His father at age 15, was the youngest, and one of only a number of American soldiers in history to immediately be sent to Hiroshima with the occupation forces. The nuclear detonation site at Hiroshima the horrific nuclear blast instantly killed as many as 130,000 civilians.

photo montage ( 2 images overlayed) of the Hiroshima, Japan bombing.
The director’s Father “Frank” served under General Douglas McArthur, and was shipped off from Pacific theater combat operations to Hiroshima, Japan after the first nuclear detonation of the century on civilians.

In the world war, 2 montage scene at the very end of the film, imagery of the director's actual father’s combat footage was included in the scene about warnings from the past to this generation about using nuclear weapons.

“ I would say that the use of nuclear bombs during world war 2 on civilians, women, and children, was so horrific, that my father’s PTSD absorbed in his body at age 15 standing in the carnage of Hiroshima, was painfully scarring. The fragments of the ashes of such existential shock, carried all the way over to the next generation, including me. I made this movie to support the message- that humans are at the crossroads of extinction with the potential use of nuclear weapons and should never use them ever again. — Dallas Santana-Director/Filmmaker”

A video clip of the Director’s Mother during the Covid-19 Pandemic appears in the opening montage.

In the opening sequence of pandemic scenes, during scene 1, the director was looking to cast elderly women who represented the many faces of Americans who were affected by Covid-19. His mother was actually featured honoring her lifelong passions in social justice and being the wife of a world war 2 combat veteran who survived Hiroshima. On her last visit with her son, the director of 9th Raider, she related on camera the last and final details of the experience of the nuclear holocaust as told by his father to his mother. His mother “Martha”, a lifelong mother, writer, storyteller, and journalist, passed away at the height of the pandemic in April 2020 in Connecticut, USA.

How George Flloyd’s Death Change the Casting of The 9th Raider.

The director had in mind the role and character of “Petro”, to be played by a 15-year-old actor who lived in Texas and was working in Hollywood. While filming, the tragedy of black American George Floyd unfolded in real life on screens all over as his last 12 minutes of suffering were witnessed for the whole world to see, setting off one of the most profound civil rights transformations in US History. The director felt the moment in history was right to tap into this, and he was passionately led to elevate the character Petro into a more spiritual soulful character who would be a black young male struggling to be a father, in a post-apocalyptic world in 2037 A.D. He never looked back and the character “Petro” played by Disney’s top black actor of the recent era; Daniel Curtis Lee whose riveting performance ending up being the lead and the journey of the “hero” on screen.

The director had debated about using Space X or Russian Rockets for the scenes and decided, in the end, to use both to depict space missions in 2037 A.D.

The Film’s Stunning Locations Include the Mojave Desert: Shot over 40 days.

The movie was shot over 2 years and the total shooting days was 40 days shot in deserts far away from Los Angeles, out in Mojave, Lancaster near Edwards Air Force Base, Salton Sea, Salvation Mountain, and Glamis Sand Dune Areas in Southern California.

The director is a big Tom Brady and an NFL fan, hence the references to football talk in the movie.

Human survivors find future post-apocalytic football, the future, as a way to bring back memories of when times were better, and possibly open the door to a game that can end all wars.

Watch Behind the scenes on The Making Of The 9th Raider Movie:


While Covid 19 “lockdown“ flipped Hollywood Upside Down, the crypto/NFT pioneers who had spent 5 years in crypto, took their film team fueled by skyrocketing Ethereum and love for NFT innovation and traveled and escaped the chaos of Hollywood to film in off the beaten trail locations far removed out in the desert.

NFT ‘s include 3 physical bound original printed signed screenplays with! NFT Each

Trailer Online and Website: Click Here

NFT Information site: Click Here

Collaborating Artists: Rob Prior-Physical Painting ( paintings include original authorized Stan Lee paintings, celebrities, and music stars and is a well-known comic artist, as well as a prolific filmmaker). Billboard-winning Producer Andrew Lane (“High School Musical 3”), 2X Grammy-winning producers Eddie Mandel and Marlow Rossow, AdventFX.com, and social media stars with over 200 million combined reach.

Sneak Peek of the NFT Collection

Directed by: Filmmaker and NFT/Crypto Maverick/Pioneer Dallas Santana

Studios: M Digital Studios, Inc.

Social Media Clout Attached: Over 200 million fans are attached with music artists and cameo roles. The first marketing campaign to announce only the project reached over 200 million and created 12 million engagements.

Shooting days: 40

Cryptocurrency/NFT partnerships: Ark.io, Guardianlink, io, Originprotocol.com, Crypto.com. BQTX.io. AIP ( South Korea), KBH ( South Korea), AMF ( South Korea), USA-based Airwire.io, and more.

NFT Rights Managed by: NFT Blue

Releasing Strategy: NFT collectors will get to purchase NFT collections starting in 2022, view and experience the movie and attend VIP experiences, and trade super rare NFT collections first and foremost.



Space Blue

Space Blue is the intersection of space, arts, music culture. It oversees the curation of digital time capsule going to the moon ( NASA-IM1-Lunaprise Payload)